MES covers for occasion ATR failure

Manual Encoding Application In PALS

In any real-time airport operation, occasionally an automatic baggage tag reader will fail to read the baggage barcode tag or it may read multiple tags, the reasons can be numerous. This is where the PALS Manual Encoding Station (MES) comes into the picture to handle these situations.

The PALS MES is a workstation interfaced with PALS SAC and is equipped with a handheld barcode scanner. Bags with the issues explained above can be manually encoded by PALS MES and then sorted by the baggage handling system. The system also provides facts for staff pertaining to the status of the bags inward for manual encoding.

Dependability, performance, user friendliness and scalability are the prime driving rudiments of the PALS Development. We, at Pteris are working continuously to meet the needs of our clients and the increasing changing requirements of airport logistics requirements.